Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What to believe?

Here is an article in the New York times:  http://nyti.ms/1r0Humb
It is about the belief: "Everything happens for a reason".

Here is my take on it, enriched by the teachings of the Avatar Course®.

We believe what we believe to make sense of life, to find our purpose and to lead a 

meaningful life. 

If people would believe everything happens by chance, then they would find all the 

evidence for it to happen by chance. 

We live our lives within our perceptions and when focussing on love, love increases, when 

focussed on loss, loss increases. 

Everyone believes what they want to believe, and then find all the evidences for it to be 

true. It is perception, viewpoints differences. 

There is no right or wrong. 

The questions we could ask is "what would I like to believe so my life and the ones of others are bettered, more peaceful and so the world becomes more compassionate?" 

I think that is the real question.
And not whether a belief is right or wrong, a belief is a belief, nothing less, nothing more. No need to fight for it. 

We are more than thoughts or beliefs.

Some examples of beliefs I find helpful:

"The world is a better place every day"
"My life is fantastic"
"I am helpful to others"
"I am healthy"
"I am honest"
"I attract people just like me"

Those are beliefs which I believe contribute to raise peace, compassion and love on the planet. Maybe you have other ones!

Choose your own beliefs and share them on the blog.

And if you wish to examine your beliefs in more depth, send me an email ariane@livefully.ch to set up a mini-avatar class. It's free and fantastic!

love, peace, light

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