Sunday, September 20, 2009

Music Songs Recycling

It started a couple of weeks ago, when one of my students, Natascia, at the Ariane Studio, told me about the new Disney project "Send It On", a new song, a few young artists, and it's a hit. Disney is giving out a million dollars to help clean the Earth, and you can vote when you have pledged and taken action. Mmm, I thought "that's a great idea, a great purpose and I would love to help and be part of it".

I always have been the "green" type of girl as long as I can remember.
When I was 11 or 12, living in Switzerland, I was "educating" my parents about not trowing paper in the trash, or batteries or aluminum. On the street, I would go in delivery trucks that would let their engine on, and turn them off...oh well I was bold, and I still am in a different way. I tried to make wise choices and in regard to the whole picture.
For example I waited for Nicolas Hayek (creator of the Swiss Company Swatch) to realize his environment friendly car to buy it, but then he gave up...sold his project to Mercedes and that Smart Green Car never came out. So I gave up too, and I bought at 23 (yes I waited all these years) my first car. Now that they came out with Hybrid, I of course bought one when I had to change my vehicle, I drive a Prius.

So here I am at the Ariane Singing and Avatar® Studio (Avatar is a self-empowerment course, go onto or email if you are curious) and I have a bunch of great talented singer and songwriter, we write, play and record music, we could associate ourself with the Disney project, but we probably are much too small, but we can do something. So I started.

On December 19 2009, the Ariane Studio (located in Hamden, CT) has a concert in New York city, where the singers showcase their talents, the work of the year with originals and covers.
At the occasion and until then, I decided to raise money for a Green Purpose, to also raise awareness in my community and beyond about what we can do.

In the past week, here what happened: I talked at my little daughter's school and they are now on the way to recycle in the classrooms, something they were not doing.

I bought a compost bin in my town for $20 and installed it, we already were composting at my house, but the slow way, this way will be more efficient to create organic soil for the garden. Also I bought an extra one and will donate it to my older daughter's school, go at their green committee and get the process going.

You too, you can do it, check if your town sells those compost bin with a little container for the kitchen. You collect veggies, fruits, eggs shell and you create more soil for your garden, and you avoid taxes and trash.

I talked with the Recycling coordinator in my town, we are going to meet and prepare a project we will support and create. The singers are excited to have a purpose.
If you don't know what to do: Help Someone!!
And raise your own awareness by doing the Avatar® Course.

I'll be back soon with more actions and steps to take to make our earth clean and stop global warming. Every little action counts! Every action counts!

Find your voice within and do what's right for the whole!
love, light

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